"Advanced nanoencapsulation of bio-based pesticides and fertilisers for a circular and sustainable viticulture."

Objectives of the project

VINNY main objectives are:
Explore new bioactives: grapevine-derived biopesticides (BP) and industrial side-streamsbased biofertilisers (BF); 
• Develop new eco-friendly nanobiopesticides (nanoBP) and nanobiofertilisers (nanoBF) through nanoencapsulation techniques; 
 Develop agrotextiles impregnated with nanoBFs; 
• Test nanoBP and nanoBF efficacy and safety in vitro, in planta, and validate their performance in fields.

Our involvement in the project

As sustainability experts we are in charge of the following tasks:
• Design of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and Social Life Cycle Assessment (S-LCA) frameworks.
• Responsible for safety assessment, LCA LCC, S-LCA and SSbD activities.
• Implementation of short, medium- and long-term  LCA, LCC, S-LCA for the technologies and nano encapsulated BPs and BFs.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon RIA research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101130039